The Waterfalls at Gitgit

By now we were further north than we could comfortably have done in a single day-trip. Candi Kuning is already well into the highlands of central Bali, and we wound through narrow lanes and small villages. Dewa wanted to show us the waterfalls at Gitgit. After a hike down a canyon, we were rewarded with this beautiful site.

As with almost everything, the Balinese place offerings - here, quite elaborate platforms with umbrellas and statues wrapped in the sacred yellow cloth had been set out.

The cascades plunge down the river below the main waterfall.


This is Julia at the foot of the falls.

Along the trail down to the falls, the local vendors had set out their wares to sell to the visitors. Julia befriended a little squirrel on a string that one of the vendors had.

One of the things that the vendors were selling was packets of the herbs and spices that grow wild in the forests here. You could definitely feel that you were in the fabled "Spice Islands", where vanilla, saffron, corriander, nutmeg and other exotic spices were brought back to the tables of Europe back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Astrid spotted these cloves growing on a tree. Around this area we also saw cloves spread out on tarps drying by the roadside.

Dan had stayed in the car when we went down to the waterfall. When we got back we found he had developed quite a fever and wasn't feeling well at all. Dewa was quite concerned about him. We decided to press on to Lovina on the north coast.

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Photos: Astrid, Martin and Julia Randall
All content copyright (c) 2002, Astrid, Martin and Julia Randall